Entries closed on 1st of May and we do now have the list of handlers, who have qualified for the World Championships 2010.
Including reserves:
- Johanna Allanach, Denmark - Freestyle
- Martina Branderhorst, Holland - HTM
- Rose Charbonnier, France - Freestyle
- Anja Christiansen, Denmark - HTM
- Galina Chogovadze, Russia - Freestyle
- Arlette Cloes, Belgium (independent) - HTM
- Annette Klink Dalgaard, Denmark - HTM
- Jenny Deakin, GB - Freestyle
- Marina Delsink, Holland - HTM
- Carol Dodson, GB - HTM
- Michelle Dodson, GB - Freestyle
- Simona Drabkova, CZ - HTM
- Penny Draper, GB - Freestyle
- Sini Eriksson, Finland - Freestyle
- Brigitte van Gestel, Holland - HTM & Freestyle
- Tatyana Gette-Kishinevskaya, Russia - Freestyle
- Saskia de Graaff, Belgium (independent) - Freestyle
- Vanda Gregorova, CZ - HTM & Freestyle
- Jette Haastrup, Denmark - Freestyle
- Kath Hardman, GB - HTM
- Sofie Eggert Hjorth, Denmark - Freestyle
- Polina Il’ina, Russia - HTM
- Susanne Jaczewski, Sweden - HTM
- Olga Kuzina, Russia - Freestyle
- Linda Laikre, Sweden - Freestyle
- Helle Larssen, Denmark - HTM
- Simonne Lauwers, Belgium (independent) - HTM
- Corinne Médauer, France - Freestyle
- Agnes Mohlin, Sweden - HTM
- Esther Niemeijer, Holland - HTM & Freestyle
- Jules O’Dwyer, Belgium (independent) - Freestyle
- Karolina Petterson, Sweden - HTM & Freestyle
- Gina Pink, GB - HTM
- Emmy Marie Simonsen, Denmark - HTM & Freestyle
- Daniela Siskova, CZ - HTM
- Linda De Smet, Belgium - Freestyle
- Alena Smolikova, CZ - Freestyle
- Lucie Smolikova, CZ - Freestyle
- Li Stenberg, Sweden - HTM & Freestyle
- Thierry Thomas, France - Freestyle
- Grietje Wagenaar, Holland - Freestyle
The following dog breeds will be dancing in Herning (including reserves):
23 Border Collies
8 Belgian Shepherd Dogs
3 Shelties
2 Labrador Retrievers
1 Australian Shepherd
1 Danish/Swedish Farmdog
1 Dachhund
1 German Spitz
1 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
1 White Swiss Shepherd Dog
1 Entlebuher Zennenhund
1 Australian Kelpia
1 Hungarian Pumi
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