
FS Thierry Thomas - France - Border Collie - Ubac

Music: "I Wanna Be Like You" by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

In this act the ring turned into a jungle featuring Baloo and King Louis from the Jungle Book.

What a fantastic performance - so full of joy and happiness. The handler was playing a palm-guitar, while the dog was dancing around in the ring, around the palmes and the figures - and with a lot of wonderfull turns around, over and under the handler.

A speciel trick was when the handler sended the dog away from him to Baloo - and the dog danced arund the figure on backlegs and with frontlegs on Baloo.

Judges' points: 28,30



  1. Continue comme ça Thierry... voilà un très joli premier résultat...
    Bonne chance au reste de l'équipe !!!

  2. Allez la France!!
    Continuez à nous faire rêver!!
    Serge(Ste Euphémie)
