
How and When is Your Country's Team Selected?

The UK KC has already started to search for dog and handler teams to dance for Great Britain at the World Championship 2011 - click here!

How will your country select a team? Leave a comment and share different ways of chooseing the best team for the World Championship in Paris.


The World Championships 2011

We are so pleased that the French Kennel Klub have decided to hold the 2nd World Championship in connection with the World Dog Show 2011 in Paris.


The Danish Kennel Club Magazine

The Danish Kennel Club magazine 'HUNDEN' is out and there are lots of HTM and Freestyle to be found in it!

(Click on the pictures to enlarge them)

First there is half a page with photos of Martina Branderhorst with White German Shepherd Dog Kito van de Duinhoeve from Team Holland (HTM reserve) and Danish Sofie Eggert Hjorth with Border Collie Fæhunden's Quinzy Lad (Freestyle reserve) performing in The Main Arena.

Then there is a 4½ page article about the World Championship.

And finally an article about Emmy M. Simonsen's (Team Denmark) young Border Collie Beat, who did not dance in the Main Arena, but he is a dancing dog and he did performed with the World Dog Show hostess in the Arena and he got a full page in the KC Magazine.


Thierry Thomas and Speed - Individual World Freestyle Champions

Thierry Thomas and Speed performing their World Championship winning routine in the final.

Linda De Smet, Belgium

Linda De Smet and Border Collie Eby placed 5th in the Individual Freestyle World Championship.


Another site online

Kath Hardman from Team GB has uploaded a site about her World Championship experience. I have heard that it will be extended when she has time... So check it out now and then go back regularly to see if there are new photos or more text.

Click here!

Flowers for Hanne

The Danish Team sent Hanne Madsen from the Danish Kennel Club a big bunch of flowers after the World Championships as a thank you for all her hard work in Herning and in the weeks prior to the World Dog Show.


More World Championship Routines on YouTube

Kath Hardman with Amber (GB) - Team Silver and Individual World Champions!

Emmy M. Simonsen with Biscuit (DK) - Team Silver and Individual 4th.

Emmy M. Simonsen with Whisper (DK) - Team World Champions and individual 4th.

Helle Larssen with Doggie (DK) - Team World Champions and individual 9th.


Herning Folkeblad - Saturday

Click on the pictures to enlarge them enough to read the articles (if you read Danish).

Special World Dog Show Edition of Herning Folkeblad

Herning Folkeblad published a special World Dog Show edition of their paper with an article about the FCI HTM & Freestyle Championships.


Martina Branderhorst with White German Shepherd Dog Kito van de Duinhoeve

The Dutch HTM reserves Matina with Kito performing in the Main Arena at the World Dog Show.

DVDs - ready to be posted!

Stig, who is producing the DVDs from the World Championships, has worked night and day to get the DVDs ready and they will be posted from Denmark today.
If anyone else wants to buy them, please send an email to sa@abertil.dk
DVDs from 1 day: 150 Danish Kroner or 20 Euros (Stig needs to know which day you want).
DVDs from all 3 days: 350 Danish Kroner or 50 Euros.

Lina and Zing from Sweden

Swedish Karolina Petterson with Hungarian Pumi Zin performing in the Freestyle Final. They placed 9th.

Marina Delsink with Gwydion performing in the Main Arena

The Dutch Freestyle reserve Marina Delsink with Gwydion performing in the Arena at the World Dog Show 2010. We invited all reserves to perform in the Arena as a thank you for travelling this far to support the event and the team.


Marina Delsink with Cheb de Bruine Buck

Marina Delsink with Cheb de Bruine Buck were representng Holland in HTM and placed 14th individually.

Daniela Šišková with Aurora Piranha Rainy Love, CZ

Daniela and Rori placed 10th in the individual final and were on the CZ team that won bronze.


More Dutch Routines

Another 2 Dutch World Championship routines have found their way to YouTube.

First Esther with Jamie, who placed 11th in HTM...

And Grietje with Floris, who were 10th in Freestyle:


Buy Pictures from Herning

Wiegaarden's Photo Studio have taken lots of photos of the HTM in Herning.

You can see/buy them by going to www.hunden.dk and choose See/Buy Photos World Dog Show 2010.

Then search for Heelwork To Music and there will be lots of very nice pictures to choose from - both from the routines performed in the World Championship ring and in the Arena and from the presentation in the Arena.

Brigitte van Gestel and Ruby in Herning Folkeblad

Herning Folkeblad - the local Herning newspaper - wrote a big article about the World Championship and used lots of photos of Brigitte and Ruby from Holland. They even made it to the front page!

Well done Brigitte and Ruby - you look great!

Emmy and Whisper's Main Arena Demo

Emmy and Whisper's (Team Denmark) demonstration in the Main Arena on Friday morning.

Brigitte van Gestel (Holland) with Twizzle & Ruby on YouTube

Enjoy Brigitte and Twizzle's freestyle routine and Brigitte and Ruby's HTM routine from the World Championship. Ruby placed 6th in the HTM and Twizzle was unfortunately disqualified for bringing a toy into the ring after having performed a super routine.

Thank You for Visiting the Blog During the World Championship!


Over and out.....

This was Hall J3 at 19.38 Sunday evening.

Thank you to every person who has contributed in making this weekend World Class:
  • The competitors and their dogs
  • The judges
  • Each and every one of our amazing helpers
  • The Danish Kennel Club & The FCI
  • Hanne Madsen, DKK
  • And last but not least the staff of the Herning Messehal who have honoured our requests without discussion and always with a smile
THANK YOU !!!!!!

Detailed Results from Sundays Finals

Detailed results for the freestyle finals (if you click the picture it gets bigger):

Detalied results for the HTM finals (if you click the picture it gets bigger):

Over and out from Herning...

Price Giving Cermony Sunday

The price giving cermony for the individual Freestyle and HTM Championships - complete with moving speeches from the head judge, champagne and cookies!



Thank you so much to everyone for making this a memorable and fantastic weekend!

Freestyle Finals - Top dogs

    Final results of the Freestyle World Championships 2010

  1. Thierry, France, 57,47 p
  2. Vanda, Czech Republik, 57,00 p
  3. Alena, Czech Rep, 56,80p
  4. Emmy, Denmark, 55,27
  5. Linda, Belgium, 53,97
  6. Galina, Russia, 53,53 p
  7. Michelle, GB, 53,10 p
  8. Johanna, Denmark, 52,66 p
  9. Karolina, Sweden, 52,47 p
  10. Grietje, Holland, 51,97 p

FS Finals - Thierry Thomas - France - Border Collie - Ubac

Music: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy "I Wanna Be Like You"

Again I must say as yesterday: What a fantastic performance. They really nails the happiness and joy from the Jungle Book - and especially from King Louis i Disney's version.

They show so many moves, tricks and turns so it almost takes my breath - and when you think:

Oh, now they are doing so - they do something completely different.

A fantastic trick in this performance is the dog dancing on its own in and out and between the figures in the tableau on the scene.

Judges' points in the finals: 29,17 which gives a total of 57,47


FS Finals - Karolina Petterson - Sweden - Hungarian Pumi - Arbetsmyrans Amazing Ai

Lina and Zing performed a very dramatic prison-break program to film music from The Rock. As far as I'm concerned they nailed it! They had some novel moves such as scratching out of the prison cell and ducking for incoming helicopters. Furthermore they e.g. had a great crawl and a cool back to back sideways move.

The judges points for the final is 26,50 and the total is 52,47 p


FS Finals - Galina Chogovadze - Russia - Border Collie - Moja Nadezhda Rolly Royce

Galina and her Border Collie performed an amazing traditional dance to "Barynya". I think I have never seen a dog dance number before where it looks just like the dog is doing human choreography, usually you see some adjustments in pace and motions but I couldn't see any such here. They were perfectly in sync with the music and each other in spite of having a really fast routine. Among other things they had a running sequence where Galinas back was turned to the dog and the dog still jumped over her legs at just the right moment.

The judges points for the final is 27,43 and the total is 53,53 p


FS Finals - Linda De Smet - Belgium - Border Collie - Eby of Sun Loch Valley

Music: Cirque du soleil "Alegria"

What a fantastic performance -it was a wonderful asian-inspired act.

The act starts with the handler in a big basket with the dog looking for her around the basket - on the floor and on frontlegs with backlegs on basket running around it. Nice trick.

In the other end was a big snake with head in the air - and they danced to it and around it with a bunch of turns and tricks.

The performance end in a perfect way with the dog jumping into the basket and closing the lid.

Judges' points at the finals: 27,60 which gives a total score of 53,97


FS Finals - Johanna Allanach - Denmark - Border Collie - Kojima E-Physical Graffiti

Johanna and Soda performed to the "Raiders March" from the film Indiana Jones. They had great contact and did some really good positions and fun transitions. Johanna used the machete in an inventive way, showing that the same prop can be used to several different moves. Soda opened a chest and found the treasure :)

The judges points for the final is 26,53 and the total is 52,66 p


FS Finals - Emmy Simonsen - Denmark - Shetland Sheepdog - The Charmed One's Biscuit in Blue

Music: Disney Version of "Annie"

Again we were brought to the heart-breaking world of Annie - but at the time time the dog showed Annie's positive mind entering the ring.

Biscuit was saying - we are going to have fun - and they did.

Handler and dog really performs as one.

I especially noticed the dog running splendidly backwards round the bucket. The act ended with the dog performing fantastic turns round the handler - while dreaming of tomorrow so much in accordance with music.

Judges' points at the finals: 27,80 which gives a total score of 55,27


FS Finals - Michelle Dodson - Great Britain - Border Collie - Kamarda Doctor Foster

Michelle and her Border Collie made a playful performance to Jim Dale/York Theatre Companys "Blow Us A Kiss/Busker Alley". They did some really nice distance work with the handler and dog turning in different directions and they also worked independently at a couple of light posts. Furthermore they had some great heelwork and a cool headspin (done by the dog).

The judges points for the finals is 26,43 and the total became 53,10 p


FS Finals - Vanda Gregorova - The Czech Republik - Australian Shepherd - All That Brandy Gentle Mate

Music: Kool & The Gang "Jungle Mix"

What a jungle miz - and what a hunting act for the elephant.
The team showed a wonderful interpretation of the music - and every move the made was true to the changes in the music.
At a time in the act the music changes to a even faster rhytm - and so did both handler and dog.
The dog was brilliant on its backlegs - walking, running and jumping.
And they did get the elephant at last :-)
Judges' points at the finals: 28,13, which gives a total of 57,00

FS Finals - Grietje Wagenaar - Holland - Border Collie - Fjurdyhoeve Floyd

Music: Annette O'Toole/Barry Manilow "Man Wanted/Dancin' Fool"

The music says Dancin' Fool, but there certainly were no dancing fools in this performance.

The act began with handler and dog turning their head from side to side at the same time - and then it broke lose :-)

The performance was so full of activity all the time with lots of jumps, turns and tricks - and every thing in perfect accordance with music.

I noticed one speciel trick, when dog dog turned round it selves bowing.

Wonderful start on the freestyle finals.

Judges' points for the finals: 25,20, which gives a total of 51,97

FS Finals - Alena Smolikova - The Czech Republik - Border Collie - Dapper Dame Black Chevers

Alena and her Border Collie performed a fast paced action filled program to Bonnie Tyler's "I Need A Hero". They totally rocked! The theme was fire-fighting and the routine combined difficult tricks with speed and fluency and was - I dare say - also very crowd pleasing :) Some of the tricks were novelties such as the handler spinning on her knees while the dog leans its hind legs on her and the dog jumping through a (paper) window. They also made some cool somersaults as well as the dog spinning on its hind legs and doing some distance work.

The judges points from the final is 28,23 giving a total of 56,80 p


HTM Finals - Top dogs

These are the results for the HTM finals today at the World Championships 2010

  1. Kath, Great Britain, 57,40 P
  2. Anja, Denmark, 57,10 p
  3. Vanda, Czech Republik, 56,20 p
  4. Emmy, Denmark, 55,97 p
  5. Carole, Great Britain, 54,73 p
  6. Brigitte, Holland, 54,50 p
  7. Birgit, Austria, 51,43
  8. Polina, Russia, 50,53 p
  9. Helle, Denmark, 49,97 p
  10. Daniela, Czech Republik, 49,86 p

HTM Finals - Kath Hardman - GB - Border Collie - Stillmoor Lady in Red

Kath and her Border Collie performed to "No more tears" by Donna Summer and Barbra Streisand. The music starts out slow and then gets really fast. They moved great to the music and had a large variety of positions, directions and transistions. Everything was very fast and fluent. The dog kept very close to the handler and they worked great together :)

The judges points for the final is 28,80 and the total is 57,40 p


HTM Finals - Polina Il`ina - Russia - Malinois - Shteffi

Film music from the Matrix

Again today a wonderful interpretation of music and the plot in the movie.

You can really, today it is like all the competitors (handlers and dogs) knows, that today it really counts - and also in this performance there were wonderful work handler and dog together.

They made wonderful sidesteps - and I especially notice the trick, where the dog is on its backlegs with its back towards the handler and both turning round themselves rather quickly.

I had the great opportunity of writen about this act 2 days ago - and I wasn't a bit dissapointed seeing it again.

Judges' points for the finals: 25,23 which gives a total of 50,53


HTM Finals - Emmy Simonsen - Denmark - Border Collie - Bridacre Wisp

Film music from Disneys Ratatouille

This was another wonderfull performance from a team not performing as a couple but as one.

To me every movement, every change in position and every change in speed was to precise in according to rhytm and change in music.

Their tiptoe-steps especielly were wonderful.

I always like to see a performance where the dog is wagging the tail and looking at the handler with love in his eyes all during the act.

Judges' points for the finals: 28,00, which gives a total score of 55,97


HTM Finals - Anja Christiansen - Denmark - Border Collie - Fæhunden´s Queeny Las

Anja and Queenie performed to film music from Lord of The Rings. They made a great job of interpreting the music and the film!

Their program was fluent and the position changes were really good and sooo fast :) They used a lot of different positions (all of them?) and had some very impressing moves and changes behind Anjas back.

The judges points for the finals was 28,90 and the total is 57,10


HTM Finals - Birgit Gragobern - Austria - Border Collie - Australis Arkansas Dream

Music: "Le Onde" by Ludovico

Thank you Austria for a brilliant performance. The dog is a big border collie, but all through the performance it seemed like the handler and the dog was flowing in the air just a few inches above the ring floor.

It was so nice to see, when they made small running steps together.

They were precise in every movement according to the music - and the handler made splendid use of the dog running through her legs in almost every change in position.

Judges' points for the finals: 25,80, which gives a total score of 51,43

HTM Finals - Vanda Gregorova - Czech Rep - Australian Shepherd - All That Brandy Gentle Mate

Wanda and her dog performed to "Gipsy Dance Mix" by Edvin Marton/Latina Guitarro. They performed a wonderfully fluent program with many positions and directions. The transitions were really good and they made everything look so easy (although it was anythin but). The dog kept very close to the handler and they made a cute high step together. The most moving part for me was however to see the intensity of their connection, they moved as one and worked lovely together.

Judges points for the final 28,50 giving a total of 56,20 p
