Houdini is my own bred Laekenois and that is why we have a very strong bond . Both “Dini” and his mother Dazzle are competing succesfull in freestyle only, since there is no HTM competitions in Belgium.
I’m very happy that I’m offered the chance to perform in HTM at the World Championship. It also gives me the opportunity to promote the rarest Belgian Shephard variety - the Laekenois .
As you can see on the picture we always have a lot of fun together .
I wish all the competitors of the World championship a lot of luck and aspecially a lot of fun.

It was love at first sight when I saw Ginger, she was just 6 weeks old. However I really wasn't looking for a puppy, I already had 3 dogs at home. Over the next couple of days I couldn't stop thinking about her so I rang her breeder and said I would have her. A week later she came home to join our family. She is now three and competes in Obedience and Agilty events. She still has a lot to learn. She is young and still lacks confidence at times. It will be a challenge to prepare our routine over the next two and a half months, among other things she will have to learn more heelwork positions. Luckily she enjoys her work and always does her best to please me.
Just think, a team of Belgian Shepherds, all Lakenoises.
It must surely be a first on an International event.

Zingara and I have been together for 10 wonderful years.
She was born at home and I decided to keep her because of her independent and somewhat dominant charecter. When she was 5 months old I started clicker training with her, we did obedience and agility. When she was 5 years old we discovered Dog Dancing and it soon became our passion. Zingara is not always the easiest of dogs to work with and at times we have had our problems, but it has all been worth it and she and I have become a real team.
For me the chance to take part at these first World Chamionships is a dream come true.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful time and enjoys themselves whatever the outcome.
We wish the Belgian Laekenois the Best of Luck
and look forward to see you in Denmark!
Brilliant HTM TEAM!!! Looking forward to seeing you all and meeting up with Arlette again.